Noticias de Labros
"Our study provides proof of concept that browning of white fat is possible in humans. The next step is to identify the mechanisms underpinning this effect and then to develop drugs that mimic the burn-induced effect," said lead author Labros Sidossis ...
How common white fat can be turned into energy-burning brown fat in humans
This is lead author Labros Sidossis, UTMB professor of internal medicine. Credit: The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston have discovered, for the first time in humans ...
Researchers uncover how common white fat can be turned into energy-burning <b>...</b>
"If you subject humans to very severe stress for a prolonged period of time, then even humans can turn their white fat into brown fat," said study co-author Labros Sidossis, a geriatric medicine researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch in ...
Extreme Stress May Convert Fat into Calorie Burning Machine
Prof Labros Sidossis, research author, said mums-to-be had “an important opportunity to amend some unhealthy habits” and “adopt a more active lifestyle”. His team chose 5,125 children at random and asked their mums about factors including weight gain, ...
Pregnant women who &#39;eat for two&#39; are more likely to have obese children
Sein Sohn Labros D. reiste sofort zum Unglücksort und ging in die Leichenhalle, um seinen Vater zu identifizieren. Das konnte er allerdings nicht – der Tote sei nicht sein Vater, sagte er lokalen Medien. Er hoffe nun weiter, dass Georgios unter den ...
Frau von Zürcher Fähren-Opfer: «Mein Mann wollte mich wärmen – und erfror»
Labros Moustakis zeigt den Teilnehmern seiner Stadtführung nicht die Akropolis oder das antike Olympia-Stadion, nein, er führt seine Gäste in die schäbigsten Winkel Athens: Leer stehende Ruinen, in denen Obdachlose nachts auf Pappkartons schlafen; ...
Obdachlose in GriechenlandFührung durch die Hinterhöfe Athens
Los códigos postales de Labros
Balneario Serón Balneario Serón
Edificio Balneario Serón
50237 Jaraba
Hotel Balneario Sicilia Hotel Balneario Sicilia
Carretera Calmarza, Km. 1
50237 Jaraba
Hotel Balneario de La Virgen Hotel Balneario de La Virgen
Carretera Calmarza, s/n
50238 Jaraba