The woman, the wife of a US soldier stationed at the Moron de la Frontera military base near the southwestern city of Seville, was reported to police by residents of the town on Utrera, a local police spokeswoman said. "She threatened, insulted and ...
The woman, the wife of a US soldier stationed at the Moron de la Frontera military base near the southwestern city of Seville, was reported to police by residents of the town on Utrera, a local police spokeswoman said. "She threatened, insulted and ...
El secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Ashton Carter, presenció el martes con el ministro de Defensa de España, Pedro Morenés, en la base aérea de Morón de la Frontera (Sevilla, sur) unas maniobras conjuntas hispanonorteamericanas de simulacro ...
Rabat – Spain's House of Representatives has approved an agreement to allow the United States make its military presence at the Moron de la Frontera military base in Seville permanent. The American troops stationed in the base are expected to protect ...
The US already has a rapid reaction force of about 800 troops at Moron de la Frontera, near Seville, who were deployed temporarily in the wake of the 2012 attack on a US mission in Benghazi, eastern Libya. The upper house of parliament, which is ...
... con los votos de socialistas y conservadores, la proposición de Izquierda Unida, con el apoyo de Podemos, en la que se insta al Parlamento a mostrar su oposición a la estancia permanente de tropas estadounidenses en la base de Morón, en Sevilla.