Noticias de Villarta
Some 30 minutes earlier, Beaulieu confirmed her husband's description of her — “she's crazy” — when she got tired of watching two friends, Shawn Kissman-Roy and Alex Villarta, struggle to free their canoe from a large rock in the Raisin River. The ...
Raisin River Canoe Race: Always an adventure
Jomar Cardoso, fundador da Villarta Elevadores, nasceu em Taubaté (SP), em uma família numerosa de imigrantes italianos e portugueses. Muito jovem aprendeu fotografar e conseguiu emprego no único jornal da cidade para pagar os estudos. Cursou ...
A trisikad driver since in the early 1990s, Villarta, 45, who lives in Barangay East Poblacion, City of Naga, told Sun.Star Cebu that driving has always been his only means of survival. He did get steady work as a maintenance man at City Hall for 11 ...
With 31 years of mileage, driver outraces peers
Justice Secretary Leila reportedly ordered Director Virgilio Mendez of the National Bureau of Investigation and deputy director for regional operations service, Eduard Villarta, to undergo a lie detector test recently, according to my sources at the ...
Among the seven graduating seniors honored for their participation with the Lakeland Youth Symphony were, from left: Chris Tang, Gabrielle Magallanes, Isabel Villarta, Keya Gangadharan, Asrita Vattikonda, and Abhinav Karale. Not pictured is Mark Mao.
Seven Lakeland Youth Symphony members honored for years of participation
Um 'guerrilheiro' que disputa mercado com gigantes globais. A determinação e a persistência são essenciais na trajetória de Jomar Cardoso. O fundador da Villarta Elevadores precisou das duas características para obter sucesso. Foto: Paulo Bareta.
Um 'guerrilheiro' que disputa mercado com gigantes globais
Los códigos postales de Villarta
Cortijo Finca La Solana 1878 Cortijo Finca La Solana 1878
Crta. Crp 1343-Km.1.6
13640 Herencia
El Mirador de la Mancha El Mirador de la Mancha
Hermita de san cristobal, s/n
13670 Villarubia de los Ojos
Hotel Bodegas Viñasoro Hotel Bodegas Viñasoro
Carretera Alcázar- Manzanares km 7,2
13600 Alcazar de San Juan