सिद्धेश्वर बाणगंगा मेले में रंगमंच पर शनिवार की रात हुए बृज की होली कार्यक्रम में कलाकारो ने ऐसा समां बंधा कि कलेक्टर राजीव दुबे, नपाध्यक्ष मुन्नालाल कुशवाह, एसडीएम रूपेश उपाध्याय, ...
TRAID ART STUDENT WINS AWARD FOR PAINTING AT SWIC SHOW Triad High School student Sara Hladick's oil painting, “Domino” received the Schmidt Pick Award at the Southwestern Illinois College 2016 High School Art Show. More than 170 art ...
La rectora de la Universidad Popular de Misiones (UPM), Laura Traid, acompañada del vicegobernador, Oscar Herrera Ahuad presentaron el ciclo lectivo 2016 de los cursos de la UPM que amplio su atención llegando a Eldorado y Oberá además de ...
"Organik ürünler" konusunda ise 22 firma temsil edilirken, "Fair traid" adı verilen adil üretim ve ticaret alanında 122 üretici ürünlerini teşhir ediyor. Ayrıca alerjiye duyarlı tatlı gıdalar, el üretimleri, vejeteryan çok işlevli gıdalar da ...
As part of this new partnership with TRAID, during January and February, ZipJet customers can simply give their ZipJet 'pilot' an additional donation bag. These will then be taken to TRAID's warehouse where they will be hand-sorted, priced, and later ...
In his latest video, a spoken word piece, Potent takes on the global impact of the fashion industry and its damaging effects on the environment. He has teamed up with the textiles charity TRAID for their #Secondhandfirst campaign to get people sourcing ...