A unos 20 kms de Villajoyosa hacia el interior se encuentra la localidad de Sella, un pueblecito blanco de empinadas cuestas. Su valle está limitado al norte por la Sierra de Aitana y al sur por el Puig Campana o "montaña de las mil caras" por su ...
Iga aasta jaanuari viimasel pühapäeval peetakse Hispaania linnas El Puig`is omapärast festivali: osalised loobivad üksteist surnud rottide ja teiste närilistega. Sellega tähistavad elanikud 13. sajandil elanud Püha Peter Nolaco elu, kes ostnud mauride käest ...
Pity the poor rats. No, really. At least the much-maligned rodents of the Spanish town of El Puig which has celebrated a "Battle of the Rats" festival for centuries. Animal-rights activists are taking umbrage with the curious celebration in which ...
Every year hundreds of people gather on the last Sunday of January in the Valencian town of El Puig to celebrate the life of St Peter Nolasco – a thirteenth century figure remembered for buying back Christian slaves from Moorish raiders – with bowls of ...
The campaign group Partido Animalista Contra el Maltrato Animal en España (PACMA) has released a video of the festival in the Valencian town of El Puig and has called for it to be banned once and for all. The footage of the 'Battle of the Rats' shows ...