A 48 ore dal canestro decisivo a due secondi dalla fine di Kelvin Martin che ha deciso gara 1 in favore di Agrigento, la Moncada e la Dinamica Generale Mantova tornano in campo per il secondo atto degli ottavi di finale. Parte subito bene la Dinamica ...
La Fortitudo non pasa, vince Mantova e pareggia la serie. Gli Sting vincono di un niente, i padroni di casa si impongono con il punteggio di 63 a 62. La Moncada è partita bene, ma Mantova ha ringhiato subito. Il primo periodo di gioco si chiude in ...
According to The Washington Post, 17-year-old Alexis Isabel Moncada started the conversation when she first tweeted her musings about a same-sex relationship in Frozen on Sunday. Moncada identifies as bisexual. “There are more than just one kind of ...
Since Sunday, when 17-year-old Alexis Isabel Moncada first tweeted her musings about an LGBT-inclusive plot line for Disney's "Frozen 2," the sequel to the 2013 blockbuster hit, the teenager's creative hashtag has been shared online thousands of times.
1959 marked a watershed in Cuban history. Tyranny had left an unsavory legacy across all spheres of society including education: of a population of five and a half million, 23.6% people over the age of 15 were illiterate. The Moncada Program ...
In an interview with a local NBC affiliate Moncada, who identifies as bisexual, pointed out that Frozen is already seen as sending an empowering message to LGBT youth. “A lot of us see it as a metaphor for coming out and accepting who you are,” she said.