Noticias de Piornal
A small town in Spain celebrates its annual festival, not with lights and sounds, but by throwing turnips at a masked figure on the street. The "Jarramplas" is a two-day festival in Piornal, Spain held during Saint Sebastian Day. Every Jan. 19-20 ...
Turnip-Throwing Marks This Wacky Spanish Festival
Ο κόσμος πετάει γογγύλια στον Jarramplas καθώς περιδιαβαίνει τους δρόμους χτυπώντας ένα τύμπανο, στον ετήσιο εορτασμό του Jarramplas στο Piornal της Ισπανίας στις 20 Ιανουαρίου 2016. Εκατοντάδες άνθρωποι τρέχουν στους δρόμους της μικρής ...
Λιθοβολώντας το κακό πνεύμα Jarramplas στην γιορτή του Αγίου...
For centuries, on Saint Sebastian Day, the streets of Piornal, in Spain's Cáceres province, are trekked courageously by the Jarramplas. Turnips in hand, the residents of the municipality wish only to punish the devilish character, pelting him again and ...
A Turnip to the Head: The Mythological Jarramplas Festival in Spain
Todos os anos um voluntário veste o fato de uma personagem diabólica e é atingido por milhares de nabos. Mundo Tradição 16:54 - 21/01/16 POR Carolina Rico. GALERIAS DO DIA. Jarramplas, o diabo a quem os espanhóis atiraram 18 mil kg de nabos Em ...
The event Wednesday was part of the bizarre 'Jarramplas' festival which is held in Piornal each Jan 19-20. Following the yearly tradition, a town volunteer donned a costume of multicolored ribbons and a protective devilish mask with horns. He then ...
Spanish town celebrates bizarre, turnip-throwing festival
As pessoas atiram nabos ao Jarramplas, uma personagem que usa uma máscara semelhante a um diabo e um disfarce colorido, enquanto este passa pelas ruas a tocar tambor em Piornal, no sul de Espanha. Apesar de as origens do festival não serem ...
Espanha: Vamos atirar nabos ao Jarramplas?
Los códigos postales de Piornal
Garza Real Garza Real
Piscina, 12
10614 Valdastillas
La Casería La Casería
CN 110 -Km 378,5
10613 Navaconcejo
Camping Bungalows Rio Jerte Camping Bungalows Rio Jerte
Carretera N-110, Km 375.8
10613 Navaconcejo