Noticias de Errenteria
Mieszkańcy Errenterii apelują do rządów i instytucji odpowiedzialnych za zmiany w polityce azylowej i imigracyjnej. Errenteria to 40 tysięczne miasto portowe w Kraju Basków. Tutejsi mieszkańcy nie wyróżniają się w regionie szczególną zamożnością, ...
Solidarność po baskijsku
Depuis une quinzaine d'années, la compagnie Kukai Dantza, fondée par Jon Maya en 2001 et établie à Errenteria, s'inspire de cette tradition fortement ancrée dans le territoire pour mieux nourrir une danse d'aujourd'hui. Certes, ses danseurs ont hérité ...
La danse basque est contemporaine
The victim was identified as a visitor from the Basque town of Errenteria. His was the 12th death by goring in town festivals so far this year in Spain. Bull runs are a traditional part of summer festivals across Spain, the most famous being San Fermin ...
Bull Gores 66-year-old Man to Death During Spanish Festival
Television images showed how the man fell to the ground after the bull's horn had penetrated his chest. The victim was identified as a visitor from the Basque town of Errenteria. His was the 12th death by goring in town festivals so far this year in Spain.
Bull gores 66-year-old man to death during Spanish festival
The victim was identified as a visitor from the Basque town of Errenteria. His was the 12th death by goring in town festivals so far this year in Spain. Bull runs are a traditional part of summer festivals across Spain, the most famous being San Fermin ...
66-year-old man is 12th person gored to death during festivities in Spain
El Colectivo de Víctimas del Terrorismo (Covite) ha colocado hoy sendas placas en las localidades guipuzcoanas de Errenteria y San Sebastián en recuerdo a José Antonio Cardosa, asesinado en un atentado atribuido a los GAL, y Miguel Paredes y Helena ...
Covite coloca dos placas en memoria de los asesinados por los GAL y por ETA
Fotos de Errenteria
Los códigos postales de Errenteria
Hotel Berri Versalles Hotel Berri Versalles
Alto de Capuchinos, 9
20100 Errenteria
Lintzirin Lintzirin
Ctra. Madrid-Irún Km 469
20180 Oiartzun
Pensión Amazkar Pensión Amazkar
Kontsejuerreka, 2
20180 Oiartzun