The documentary film "İstanbul'un Gözü" (The Eye of Istanbul), which sheds light on the 60-year career of world-renowned photographer Ara Güler, was recently screened at Beverly Hills Laemmle's Music Hall as part of the Southeastern European Film ...
Speaking to ARA News in Homs, media activist Abdul Halim al-Fayez said that ISIS militants were able to impose their control over four checkpoints for the pro-regime forces near the oilfield of al-Shaer after fierce clashes that started Sunday midnight ...
Al cumplirse hoy 34 años del criminal hundimiento del Crucero ARA General Belgrano, la Municipalidad de San Lorenzo recordó a los 323 caídos con un acto que se llevó a cabo en el memorial inaugurado por la actual gestión en el cruce de las calles ...
AK Parti Grup Başkanvekili Bülent Turan, "Kavga ettim, komisyonu engelledim" tarzını kabul etmediklerini belirterek, TBMM Anayasa Komisyonu'nun ara vermeksizin çalışmalarına devam edeceğini söyledi. Turan, gazetecilere yaptığı açıklamada, ...