“Torquemada, en el reino de nunca jamás” es una adaptación de “Torquemada”, del dramaturgo brasileño Augusto Boal, y cuenta con el apoyo del Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ), del Instituto de Estudios Sociales del Uruguay (IELSUR) y del Instituto ...
... scientists were having some trouble with the nomination process; the whole “party decides” framework led them, by and large, to expect convergence on a mainstream candidate like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, not a duel between Mussolini and Torquemada.
Choosing between Ziggy, the Creepy Clown and Torquemada, the Great Inquisitor. That's what it has come to for the Republican Party. Or as Senator Lindsey Graham (R) put it back in February, when he was still a Jeb Bush supporter, to have to choose the ...
Beginning in 1478, the Spanish Inquisition systematically silenced any citizen who held views that did not align with the king's. Using the powerful arm of the government, the grand inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada, and his henchmen sought out all those ...
New York Attorney General Eric "Torquemada" Schneiderman is leading a coalition of 17 other state inquisitors who are preparing to "as aggressively as possible" investigate and prosecute businesses that commit “fraud” by "lying" about climate change ...
Em outro momento no qual o cenário em forma de arena deu a impressão de que o ministro do STF era um cristão cercado de leões prestes a devorá-lo, “Torquemada” Nêumanne subiu o tom mais uma vez: “Vamos aos fatos. Quem era o presidente do ...