Noticias de Urizar
Whiteboard drawing above students' door in Blackstone Hall prompts discussion about race and diversity in Biola's community. This image has been edited to remove the names of residents and identifying markers of the floor as per request of University ...
Swastika drawing unearths preexisting wounds
By Alondra Urizar; April 28, 2016; 0 Comments. The $4 million renovation of the La Mirada Library has begun the second phase of the plan after closing in December 2015. | Jason Lin/THE CHIMES. The second phase has begun for the $4 million La Mirada ...
La Mirada library facility renewed
Estas iniciativas, correspondientes a las comunas de La Calera y Nogales, fueron gestionadas cuando el diputado Urízar era core y presidente de la Comisión de Inversiones del Gobierno Regional.La fiscalía indaga si estos fondos pudieron haber llegado a ...
Ministerio Público y CDE recurrirán a la Suprema para intentar desaforar al Diputado <b>Urizar</b>
She enjoys being a News Editor for the Chimes. By Alondra Urizar. Alondra Urizar is a sophomore journalism major who enjoys naps, eating, and spending way too much time with dogs. By Jana Eller. Jana Eller is a writer and apprentice for the News ...
SOS uncovers treasured Mock Rock trophy
Admissions see rise in applicants. By Alondra Urizar; April 20, 2016; 0 Comments. With a rise in scholarships, applicants climbed 15 percent compared to last year. | Infographic by Sean Leone/THE CHIMES. After low enrollment for the 2015-2016 academic ...
Admissions see rise in applicants
By Alondra Urizar; April 19, 2016; 0 Comments. The WSCUC returns to Biola to review the campus for educational and financial quality. | Jason Lim/THE CHIMES. The Western Association of School and Colleges Senior College and University Commission ...
Association assesses university
Los códigos postales de Urizar
Arresi Arresi
Portugane, 7
48620 Armintza
Uribe Kosta Uribe Kosta
Erribera, 13
48620 Plentzia
Hotel Lauaxeta Hotel Lauaxeta
Calle Lauaxeta Olerkari,4
48100 Mungia