The critically acclaimed Tamil film by Manikandan, Kaaka Muttai, is being remade in Marathi. To be titled Half Ticket, it will be directed by Samit Kakkad. Kakkad, who made Aayna Ka Bayna in 2012, will not touch the soul of the Tamil work, but, of ...
The Marathi film, titled Half Ticket, will be directed by Samit Kakkad who has earlier directed Aayna Ka Bayna.Speaking to us about how he got associated with the film, Samit said, "Nanubhai Jaisinghani, who is producing the film, called me up one day ...
Kakkad, who has previously made the Marathi language dance drama Aayna Ka Bayna (2012), told HuffPost India that he hasn't touched "the soul of the film". "It'll have a new dimension to it because of the language and the setting [Mumbai]," he said ...
The Marathi film, titled 'Half Ticket', will be directed by Samit Kakkad who has earlier directed 'Aayna Ka Bayna'. Speaking to us about how he got associated with the film, Samit said, "Nanubhai Jaisinghani, who is producing the film, called me up one ...
Suudi arabistan'da bulunan bir film yapım şirket, gerçekleştirmeyi planladığı Bayna Laylaten Wa Duha'a adlı dizi filmin çekimlerinde Bartın'a da yer verecek. Yapım şirketi bu kapsamda 12-17 Şubat 2016 tarihleri arasında çekim yapmak üzere Bartın'a ...
Suudi Arabistan'da bulunan bir film yapım şirket, gerçekleştirmeyi planladığı Bayna Laylaten Wa Duha'a adlı dizi filmin çekimlerinde Bartın'a da yer verecek. Yapım şirketi bu kapsamda 12-17 Şubat 2016 tarihleri arasında çekim yapmak üzere Bartın'a ...