Early morning light rakes across low-lying clouds and light dusting of snow on a ridge near Sabino Canyon in the Santa Catalina Mountains. A weather front brought overnight snow to the mountains and morning rain. More snowflakes dusting the Santa ...
En el marco del mes de la niñez, 300 niños de los municipios San Estanislao de Kostka, Magangué, San Juan Nepomuceno, Arjona, Santa Catalina, Santa Rosa de Lima y El Carmen, disfrutaron la ciudad de Barranquilla. Los pequeños, de primaria y ...
Con este motivo, el presbítero Gustavo Antico, rector de la iglesia Santa Catalina de Siena (San Martín 705, barrio porteño de Retiro), y la comunidad que lo acompaña, invitó a participar de las celebraciones en honor de la santa doctora de la Iglesia.
El hombre sería uno de los cuatro ladrones que esta madrugada, aproximadamente a las 0.10 abordaron a un adolescente de 17 años en Santa Catalina y Santa Cruz, y punta de cuchillo le sustrajeron sus pertenencias, entre otros, el teléfono celular para ...
Arizona Game and Fish officials say that as many as 89 bighorn sheep could be in the Santa Catalina Mountains, including some whose GPS collars have dropped off. prev. next. Three more bighorn sheep have died in the Catalina Mountains north of Tucson ...
West winds of 25 to 35 miles per hour along with gusts in the 50-mph range are expected in both the mountains and the Antelope Valley, while on Santa Catalina, the wind will blow at between 20 and 30 mph, gusting to 40 mph. Winds were expected even ...