Francisco Ashley Acedillo explained that the survey was conducted prior to the decision of the Supreme Court to allow Poe to run for president. “This SC ruling would definitely give her bump in the next survey,” Acedillo said. Poe garnered a rating of ...
Francisco Ashley Acedillo explained that the survey was conducted prior to the decision of the Supreme Court to allow Poe to run for president. “This SC ruling would definitely give her bump in the next survey,” Acedillo said. Poe garnered a rating of ...
Magdalo party-list Representative Francisco Ashley Acedillo said Poe's ratings in the past polls declined because of the disqualification cases filed against her but the senator's clarification on the developments regarding her case helped her regain ...
Francisco Ashley Acedillo, Magdalo party list representative, explained that “in this re-election survey, which was conducted last December 9-11, we provided respondents with the list of known candidates for president/vice president, and they were ...
“We expect that these figures and the candidates' rankings will continue to notably change, especially when the Comelec en banc and the Supreme Court, eventually, will release their decision on Senator Poe's and Mayor Duterte's candidacies,” Acedillo ...
Francisco Ashley Acedillo, Magdalo party list representative, explained that “in this re-election survey, which was conducted last December 9 to 11, we provided respondents with the list of known candidates for president/vice president, and they were ...