Los más habituales son: mariquita, catita, vaquita de San Antonio y vaquita de San Antón en Argentina; mariquita, chinita en Chile; mariquita en España, Puerto Rico, República Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador, Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Perú, ...
(San Román: Cabana y Caracoto. Puno: Ácora, Paucarcolla, Atuncolla, Capachica, Pichacani, Mañazo, Vilque, San Antonio de Esquilachi, Amantani y Tiquillaca, Moho: Conima Lampa: Vila Vila, Nicasio y Calapuja. Carabaya: Ayapata, Ajoyani, Coasa, ...
Assistant U.S. Attorney Marc Anton said the FBI learned in March that Medina — a Muslim convert who said in court he also goes by James Muhammad — planned to bomb the center by placing a device under a car or throwing it over a wall. An FBI ...
Assistant U.S. Attorney Marc Anton said the FBI learned in March that Medina — a Muslim convert who said in court he also goes by James Muhammad — planned to bomb the center by placing a device under a car or throwing it over a wall. An FBI ...
Philippine senator and vice presidential candidate Antonio Trillanes IV, center, is escorted after going to a bank to meet the lawyer of presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte in Pasig, east of Manila, Philippines on Monday, May 2, 2016. Allegations ...
Philippine senator and vice presidential candidate Antonio Trillanes IV, center, is escorted after going to a bank to meet the lawyer of presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte in Pasig, east of Manila, Philippines on Monday, May 2, 2016. Allegations ...