ANDORRA, April 25, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --�Ramon and Higini Cierco, the majority shareholders of Banca Privadad'Andorra ("BPA") will take all necessary and appropriate actions against JC Flowers & Co. and the Andorran Government to block the illegal ...
ANDORRA, 26 de abril de 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Ramon y Higini Cierco, los accionistas mayoritarios de Banca Privada d'Andorra (BPA) tomarán todas las medidas necesarias y adecuadas contra JC Flowers & Co. y el gobierno andorrano para bloquear la ...
ANDORRA, April 25, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Ramon and Higini Cierco, the majority shareholders of Banca Privadad'Andorra ("BPA") will take all necessary and appropriate actions against JC Flowers & Co. and the Andorran Government to block the illegal ...
ANDORRA, April 26, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Ramon and Higini Cierco, the majority shareholders of Banca Privadad'Andorra ("BPA") will take all necessary and appropriate actions against JC Flowers & Co. and the Andorran Government to block the illegal ...
ANDORRA, April 25, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Ramon and Higini Cierco, the majority shareholders of Banca Privadad'Andorra ("BPA") will take all necessary and appropriate actions against JC Flowers & Co. and the Andorran Government to block the illegal ...
Els germans Higini i Ramon Cierco ja van interposar una demanda el 5 d'agost de l'any passat en què s'impugnaven tres actes administratius adoptats per l'AREB al juny (l'aprovació del pla de resolució, la valoració econòmica i la constitució de Vall Banc).