SARROCA DE BELLERA: Researchers in Spain have discovered fossilized footprints, or ichnites, of tetrapod animals dated between 280 and 290 million years old. They are the oldest footprints in Catalonia, a pseudo-autonomous territory in northeastern ...
The ichnites or fossilised footprints of the Manyanet Valley (within the municipality of Sarroca de Bellera) are in two areas that differ in their environments: meandering fluvial systems in one and unconfined waters in the other. Ichnite from the ...
BARCELONA.- Josep Puyol, padre del capitán del Barcelona Carles Puyol, falleció el viernes en accidente laboral tras volcar la máquina retroexcavadora que conducía en el municipio de Sarroca de Bellera (Lleida). El defensa dejó la concentración del ...