Noticias de Nalec
Velvyslankyně Polska v RF Katarzyna Pelczinska-Nalec byla předvolána na MZV Ruska v souvislosti s odmítnutím vjezdu skupině ruských motorkářů, oznámil agentuře RIA Novosti zdroj v ruském zahraničněpolitickém rezortu. „Velvyslankyně Polska v RF ...
MZV RF předvolalo velvyslankyni Polska kvůli odmítnutí vjezdu ruským motorkářům
Coalition president Gabriel Salguero announced the change at a press conference in Orlando, Fla., and urged NaLEC's 3,000 member congregations to work toward ending capital punishment nationwide. “As Christ-followers, we are called to work toward ...
Latino Evangelicals Say No to the Death Penalty
The National Latino Evangelical Coalition is the first national organization of evangelical churches to oppose the death penalty. The NaLEC, with 3,000 member churches, joins the Catholic Church in opposition to capital punishment. “As Christ followers ...
Hispanic evangelicals oppose death penalty
A leading coalition of Latin American evangelicals has become the first major group of its kind to come out in opposition to the death penalty in the US. The National Latino Evangelical Coalition became the first National Association of Evangelicals ...
<b>NaLEC</b> becomes first major evangelical group to oppose death penalty
NaLEC, a group which seeks to "respond to a real need for Latino and Latina Evangelical voices committed to the common good and justice in the public sphere," has focused on a variety of criminal justice issues since their formation. However, the death ...
Prominent Latino Evangelical Group Joins Effort to Repeal Death Penalty in <b>...</b>
Gabriel Salguero—president of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NaLEC)—is a powerful voice on issues that affect multi-ethnci communities in the United States. Focusing on poverty, immigration, and education, Salguero's leadership of the ...
Los códigos postales de Nalec
Antic Balneari De Rocallaura Antic Balneari De Rocallaura
Afores S/N
25269 Rocallaura
Eurostars Balneario de Rocallaura Eurostars Balneario de Rocallaura
Afores, s/n
25269 Vallbona de les Monges
Cal Feliuet Cal Feliuet
Carretera de Baix, 26
43413 Belltall