Nächstes Jahr in Jerusalem.« Mit diesem traditionellen wie hoffnungsvollen Wunsch haben in der äthiopischen Stadt Gondar um die 3000 Juden beim weltweit wohl größten Pessachseder den Abend beendet. Für einige von ihnen könnte es schon bald ...
Il Parco Gondar di Gallipoli si trasforma nella cornice ideale per la “Giornata dell'Arte”, un evento presentato dalla Consulta degli Studenti per celebrare la creatività e l'inventiva delle nuove generazioni. Sabato 7 maggio, dalle ore 9.00, le leve ...
Jewish village became an Ethiopian tourist attraction Ethiopia Berihe holds the keys to an abandoned synagogue in Wolleka, Gondar, Ethiopia. Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90/TimesOfIsrael. Wolleka, an Ethiopian village that was once home to Falashas ...
Ethiopia Berihe holds the keys to an abandoned synagogue in Wolleka, Gondar, Ethiopia. Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90/TimesOfIsrael. On their way to trek the stunning Simien Mountains, visitors often stop at Wolleka, an Ethiopian village that was once ...
GONDAR, Ethiopia — The brightly painted Star of David comes as a surprise on the road from Gondar toward the Simien Mountains, just around a bend as you leave the city in northern Ethiopia. “Wolleka Falasha Jewish Village,” the hand-painted sign ...
The Ethiopian portion of the trip includes Addis Ababa, frequently called the capital of Africa, Ethiopia is home to Lucy, the oldest humanoid in the world; Gondar, also called the Ethiopian Camelot; and Lalibela, the unofficial “eighth wonder of the ...