Wilhelmshaven Was ist gute Kunst und was nicht? Der Arbeitskreis Wissenschaft und Kultur im Club zu Wilhelmshaven hat die Frage für sich eindeutig beantwortet: Kunst im öffentlichen Raum soll anregen und auch aufregen, gefallen muss sie nicht.
Another suspension came two weeks later, following a riot outside the club. On Aug. 23, 2011, after the shooting in Marabu's men's room, the Licensing Board revoked Trempe's license altogether. Trempe was able to remain open through it all by appealing ...
The Marabu, which ended up in HMS Hornet at Gosport, went on to take part in the Cruising Club of America's Newport to Bermuda Race. I'm grateful to Peggy Smith MBE of Denmead, who was the PA to HMS Hornet's captain at the time, for loaning me a ...