(WSB photos) From campfire-building, to hatchet-throwing … hatchetthrow1 … to rocket-launching, rock climbing and more, the Outdoor Adventure Day activities are on at Camp Long Environmental Learning Center (a sprawling city park at 5200 35th SW)!
Big outdoor-adventure fun tomorrow in West Seattle: In honor of Camp Long's 75th birthday, it's a free day of activities, geared toward ages 10 to 20. Included are archery, a high-wire challenge course, rock climbing, rifle shooting, Dutch Oven cooking ...
The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are coming together to put on Youth Outdoor Adventure Day at Camp Long on Saturday, March 5. Shake off winter and visit Camp Long for a day of fun outdoor experiences! Camp Long is celebrating its 75th birthday, and what ...
Colorado experiencing Green Rush; Marijuana migration brings hundreds to mountains to camp long-term. There's little to no regulation of these homes. Jaclyn Allen. 9:30 PM, Feb 11, 2016. 11:02 PM, Feb 11, 2016. park county | marijuana | hartsel. Previous
Grosse frayeur, hier matin, pour les résidents d'un immeuble de l'avenue du Camp-Long. Aux alentours de 9 heures, un incendie s'est déclaré dans un studio du rez-de-chaussée. Rapidement sur place, une vingtaine de pompiers, sous le commandement du ...
Un studio situé au rez-de-chaussée d'une résidence avenue Camp Long à Cannes a pris feu ce mercredi matin. Une vingtaine de pompiers se sont rendus sur place pour maîtriser le sinistre. incendie cannes ...