Noticias de Calahonda
Heading west from Malaga, you arrive first at Torremolinos – the Costa del Sol's first package resort, then Benalmadena, Fuengirola, Cala de Mijas and Calahonda. East of Malaga things are less developed and more Spanish in feel. Here, Torre del Mar and ...
Property Hotspots on the Costa del Sol
Ett 1.400 hektar stort område i havet utanför Calahonda i Mijas Costa har av regionalregeringen Junta de Andalucia klassats som skyddsområde. Anledningen är de speciella havsväxter och den samexistens mellan arter av nordafrikanskt ursprung som finns ...
Oceaniska ängar vid <b>Calahonda</b> ska skyddas
Ferguson is thought to be hiding in Marbella and Calahonda in southern Spain. Intelligence suggests he has also spent time in Holland, Portugal and Ireland. Deco is said to be hiding out in Marbella. Despite high-profile appeals – including ...
Deco joins the Dapper Don: Scotland&#39;s most wanted man Derek Ferguson on the <b>...</b>
One of the opening images of Matt Rudge's Costa del Sol: Last Brits Standing was misleading. “Big Dave” York was not standing but lounging on his back by a swimming pool into which he would shortly recreationally hurl himself. For the rest of the ...
TV review: Costa del Sol: Last Brits Standing / Nurse
La alcaldesa de Motril, Luisa García Chamorro, acompañada por la presidenta de la Entidad Local de Carchuna-Calahonda, Concepción Abarca y el teniente de alcalde de Agricultura, Nicolás Navarro, ha visitado el asfaltado del camino rural ubicado en el ...
El Consejo de Gobierno ha desestimado este martes la solicitud de constitución como municipio de la Entidad Local Autónoma (ELA) de Carchuna-Calahonda, núcleo situado en el municipio granadino de Motril, al considerar que no reúne los requisitos ...
Fotos de Calahonda
Los códigos postales de Calahonda
Hostal Calasol Hostal Calasol
Carretera Almeria, 17
18730 Calahonda
Hotel Embarcadero de Calahonda Hotel Embarcadero de Calahonda
Biznaga, 14
18730 Calahonda
Citymar Perla de Andalucia Citymar Perla de Andalucia
Playa Carchuna s/n
18730 Carchuna