El Ayuntamiento de Umbrías lo ha vuelto a hacer en este 2014 que llega a su fin y dado que lo que quiere evitar es la despoblación ha tomado la decisión de ponérselo fácil a las familias con pocos recursos y sobre todo a los jóvenes que no tengan una ...
Remember the name Pardi. Soon you'll know it as the source of your favorite Umbrian wines and those beautiful woven jacquard linens adorning your table. Via Umbria, Georgetown's new 'all things Italian made' shopping emporium held a special wine ...
Umbria is a fertile landscape and an ancient one. Its inhabitants have had plenty of time to get it right. Its olive groves and vineyards were first planted by the shadowy Etruscans. In the Middle Ages, the people climbed tufa outcrops and built lofty ...
La Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero (CHD) ha demolido la presa en desuso de Umbrías, en el rio Aravalle, incluida en el término municipal de Umbrías (Ávila). "La eliminación de esta presa fuera de uso permite retirar un absurdo obstáculo para las ...
In Assisi, the tour groups are approaching the Basilica di San Francesco, each of them following a gaudy pennant or parasol held aloft. They merge and slow to a crawl as they join the bottleneck by the ticket office. Here in Spello, a few miles south ...
The idea was simple enough; it was the venue that was causing problems. Having tried and failed – through a combination of wayward guidebooks and altitude sickness – to bag a 13,000ft peak in Morocco's Atlas Mountains the previous year, our ad hoc ...