"Voglio ringraziare la segretaria uscente Cira Napoletano - ha aggiunto Marino - per il lavoro svolto e per la disponibilità e la sensibilità mostrate anche in questa occasione. In questo momento dobbiamo essere ancora più uniti e forti, per ...
According to a report by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), Vancouver scored badly on Internet performance compared to other Canadian cities.Coming in at number 19, Vancouver is one of the last ones on the 25-city list, but Toronto ...
According to a report by the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), Vancouver scored badly on Internet performance compared to other Canadian cities. Coming in at number 19, Vancouver is one of the last ones on the 25-city list, but Toronto ...
CIRA also found that a city's core can have significantly different results from its suburbs. "What we want to see is a better online Canada. Where Canada not only competes with, but tops the global leaders in access speed, quality, and data ...
Oggi, 28 aprile, verso le ore 20:45 c'è stata la fumata bianca del partito Democratico di Caserta. Il nome del nuovo segretario del partito democratico è Enrico Tresca, competitor di Carlo marino nelle primarie di coalizione di centro sinistra. La ...
The CIRA report found average download speeds in Vancouver registers at 16.36 megabits per second (Mbps) compared with 22.33 Mbps. Surrey offers average speeds of 16.86 Mbps while Burnaby clocks in at 17.36 Mbps and Victoria clocks in at 16.33 ...