TUI, the world's largest tourism group, has agreed to sell its Hotelbeds unit to private equity group Cinven and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) for €1.2 billion. The deal, expected to complete by the end of September, is still subject to ...
TUI AG logo TUI AG (LON:TUI) has earned a consensus recommendation of “Buy” from the twelve ratings firms that are covering the stock, reports. Four analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and eight have issued a buy ...
C'est fait. TUI va céder sa filiale Hotelbeds à la société de capital-investissement Cinven associée à l'Office d'investissement du régime de pensions du Canada pour 1,191 milliard d'euros. TUI avait mis Hotelbeds Group avait été mis en vente fin 2015 ...
WirtschaftsWoche: Herr Joussen, während Ihr Geschäft im Ausland zulegt, müssen Sie in Deutschland sanieren, weil Tui in den vergangenen Jahren eher Marktanteile verloren hat. Wann können Sie Erfolge vermelden? Fritz Joussen: Der Markt für unsere ...
BERLIN/LONDON (Reuters) - European tourism group TUI is selling its Hotelbeds unit to private equity group Cinven [CINV.UL] and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) in a deal worth 1.165 billion euros (905 million pounds), the companies said ...
TUI продаст одно из своих подразделений за $1,35 млрд. 19:51 Новости компаний · Чистая прибыль "Группы ГМС" по МСФО в 2015 году составила 1,8 млрд рублей против убытка годом ранее. 19:47 Международные рынки · Etihad Airways ...