Not worried about a confrontation. Diane Kruger slammed the late Peter O'Toole as the “meanest actor” she's ever worked with in during a candid, recent interview with BuzzFeed. PHOTOS: Stars Share Secrets: Read Celebs' Shocking Confessions. Chatting ...
Last night, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam signed into law a mean-spirited anti-LGBT bill. The “Counseling Discrimination Bill,” SB 1556, allows a licensed counselor in a private practice to use personal or religious beliefs as an excuse to terminate ...
Looking forward, for the quarter ending Jun-16, 8 analysts have a mean sales target of 317.72 million. For the quarter ending Sep-16, 8 analysts have a mean sales target of 321.60 million whilst for the year ending Dec-16, 8 analysts have a mean target ...
Analysts await American Railcar Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARII) to report earnings on Apr, 28 for the fiscal quarter ending Mar 2016. They expect $1.32 EPS, down 24.24% or $0.32 from last year's $1.64 per share. At the moment 8 analysts are watching ...
Analysts await American Electric Power Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:AEP) to report earnings on Apr, 28 for the fiscal quarter ending Mar 2016. They expect $1.06 EPS, down 20.75% or $0.22 from last year's $1.28 per share. At the moment 21 analysts are ...
Looking forward, for the quarter ending Dec-16, 8 analysts have a mean sales target of 7,121.63 million. For the quarter ending Mar-16, 8 analysts have a mean sales target of 6,309.05 million whilst for the year ending Jun-16, 8 analysts have a mean...