On a reporting trip to the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Betar Ilit, I once visited a third-grade class in a boys' elementary school. It was about noon. The boys were studying the religious rules for ritual hand-washing. Religious studies, a staff ...
Ichud Hatzalah personnel from Betar Illit responded to the motzei Shabbos MVA along with MDA EMS personnel. The women killed in the accident has been identified as Mrs. Esther Gidah O”H, 65, a widow from Betar Illit. Her husband, Rav Yirmiyahu Gidah ...
Jackson Baker, 8, of South Glens Falls, right, leads the pack at the start of the children's race Saturday at the third annual Fox Trot 5K for Parkinson's Research on the Betar Byway in South Glens Falls. The event raised more than $15,000. View more ...
Tai Woffinden - indywidualny mistrz świata, lider wrocławian to silny magnes dla fanów żużla wybierających się na mecz MrGarden GKM - Betard Sparta. Drugi mecz na swoim torze grudziądzanie chcą wygrać z Betar-dem Spartą, która jeszcze w tym sezonie ...
1 A number of youths in Betar Illit set up a carwash in a parking lot in Betar Illit ahead of Pesach to earn some extra money. A car owner who wished to use their service gave one of the youths his car keys on Wednesday night the eve of 13 Nissan. The ...
Une voiture qui circulait dans le parking d'un immeuble, à Betar Illit, a renversé deux enfants : un petit garçon qui a été légèrement blessé et une petite fille de 4 ans, qui se trouve dans un état critique. Des équipes de secours de l'organisation ...