11:31 a.m. | AVN.- El precio de la cesta de referencia de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (Opep) se situó el miércoles en 41,38 dólares por barril, lo que supone un incremento de 1,5 dólares en comparación con la jornada del martes, ...
Con una doppietta di Pandolfi Antonio il Barrea vince con una gara di anticipo il campionato di seconda categoria abruzzese. Un traguardo storico per il piccolo paese immerso nel cuore del Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo.
A LOCAL solicitor has offered to back Oxford's tower residents in their legal case against Oxford City Council. Angelo Luiz-Barrea, of Thame-based firm Stocker & Co, lent his support to the campaign after leaseholders in Oxford's five towers were hit ...
Angelo Luiz-Barrea, of Thame-based firm Stocker & Co, lent his support to the campaign after leaseholders in Oxford's five towers were hit with £50,000 refurbishment bills. Over the coming weeks he will organise for a barrister, Matthew Fraser of ...
A LOCAL solicitor has offered to back Oxford's tower residents in their legal case against Oxford City Council. Angelo Luiz-Barrea, of Thame-based firm Stocker & Co, lent his support to the campaign after leaseholders in Oxford's five towers were hit ...
Angelo Luiz-Barrea, of Thame-based firm Stocker & Co, lent his support to the campaign after leaseholders in Oxford's five towers were hit with £50,000 refurbishment bills. Over the coming weeks he will organise for a barrister, Matthew Fraser of ...