The bodies of four Chandigarh-based traders, who were missing since January 14, have been recovered from the Sirhind Canal near Doraha, about 25 km from here, the police said on Thursday. The deceased were identified as Pawan Sharma (50), his ...
El hombre, identificado sólo como un contratista, fue herido por un francotirador de la policía, poco después de que abandonara las instalaciones del canal en Baltimore, a unos 72 kilómetros al norte de esa ciudad. En estos momentos un robot de la ...
CANAL FULTON A partial draining of the Ohio and Erie Canal took place over several days last week, and discovered at the bottom were submerged logs and branches. But one item seemed to stick out. Beneath the water was what appeared to be an old ...
The water level was reduced to puddles from the Canalway Center in downtown south to Lock IV, which is the 1.25-mile course taken by the St. Helena III canal boat, according to Cozy. "We do this every few years to see where the (shallow) spots are ...
PANAMA – The claims made by the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) that the training given and the techniques used in the operation of the new Panama Canal expansion were inadequate were fully explained in our recent story. Now the ...
28/04/2016 | 20:11 | Ocurrió en una emisora, filial de la cadena FOX, en Baltimore. El individuo fue baleado por francotiradores y se encuentra con vida. Aseguraba tener información del escándalo de los Panamá Papers. Comentar. Compartir en Facebook.