El coro del Centro de Iniciación Musical Infantil, que dirige Leonardo Morales participó en este concierto con la melodía “Torna Sorrento”, acompañado de la música de Ernesto Curtis, letra: de Giambattista de Curtis y arreglo de Esteban García, así ...
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwired – April 28, 2016) – Coro Mining Corp. (“Coro” or the “Company”) (TSX:COP) is pleased to announce the results of the first 8 holes from a recently completed 16 hole, 2680m reverse circulation (RC) drilling ...
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - April 28, 2016) - Coro Mining Corp. ("Coro" or the "Company") (TSX:COP) is pleased to announce the results of the first 8 holes from a recently completed 16 hole, 2680m reverse circulation (RC) drilling ...
BRIEF-Coro intersects substantial copper mineralization in first 8 holes of Marimaca drilling. April 28 Coro Mining Corp : * Coro intersects substantial copper mineralization in first 8 holes of marimaca drilling Source text for Eikon: Further company ...
“In Prefettura eravamo vessati ed insultati, inizialmente era diverso, ma poi qualcosa in monsignor Balda Vallejo è cambiato”. Questo il coro unanime che fuoriesce dall'aula del tribunale Vaticano nell'undicesima udienza della saga “Vateliks 2”. A ...
Cuarenta mil liceales asistirán a espectáculos del Ballet Nacional, conciertos de orquestas, coro y ópera del Sodre. La unidad ejecutora dependiente del MEC y el Consejo de Educación Secundaria signaron un acuerdo que tiene como objeto promover el ...