Mercredi 27 avril, c'est dans le quartier de Los Feliz, à Los Angeles, qu'America Ferrera était repérée. L'actrice de 32 ans, très absorbée par une conversation au téléphone, avait opté pour une tenue très décontractée avec une robe à motifs fleuris ...
La celebre attrice di Ugly Betty sarà una delle protagoniste del nuovo film di Ricky Gervais. Netflix trasmetterà in prima visione il 29 aprile il nuovo film di Ricky Gervais intitolato Special Correspondents. L'attore oltre che regista, sarà anche ...
America Ferrera appeared to be having a very serious conversation as she stepped out for lunch in Los Feliz, California, on Thursday. The star of fashion comedy Ugly Betty had an intense look on her face as she chatted on the phone during a solo day out.
America Ferrera appeared to be having a very serious conversation as she stepped out for lunch in Los Feliz, California, on Thursday. The star of fashion comedy Ugly Betty had an intense look on her face as she chatted on the phone during a solo day out.
FERRERA. Sono iniziati, lungo la provinciale Sannazzaro-Pieve del Cairo, i lavori di delimitazione dell'area che dovrebbe ospitare la discarica di cemento-amianto progettata dalla società Acta. I lavori preliminari sono previsti dall'autorizzazione ...
Four directors have been announced as the premiere participants in the initiative and will launch Kickstarter campaigns this spring, including Derek Ahonen (The Transcendents), Antonio Ferrera (Nomad of Art), Daniel Levin (Bagatelle) and R. Paul Wilson ...