Speaking at a Reuters Newsmaker event in New York, Constancio said more accommodation could be delivered in a way that mitigates "the immediate, direct impact on the cost on banks," though he added that no decision had yet been made. The ECB has ...
"In looking at what can be done if we decide to ease a little further, we will have to mitigate the effect of that on banks as other countries have done - Switzerland, Japan, and so on," Constancio said, referring to countries where central banks have ...
“Whether a tiered deposit rate system could be adopted as soon as March is not clear, but we note that Constancio's comment is the first real sign that such a system is being seriously considered by the ECB,” Greg Fuzesi, an economist at JPMorgan Chase ...
Constancio's comments are significant because they refer to the threat of an evaporation of trust in the ECB to keep the economy on track. They could show increased readiness to act by extending a one trillion-euro-plus programme of buying chiefly ...
CAMBRIDGE, England—The European Central Bank's decision to launch a program of large-scale government bond purchases wasn't delayed by opposition from Germany, ECB Vice President Vitor Constancio said Saturday. Speaking to Cambridge ...
Constancio said that the central bank's emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) facility -- designed as a stop gap for banks facing temporary problems -- was an alternative to its regular funding, but its provision would need to be approved by the ...