Sara Fontanos, San Benito County management analyst, briefed supervisors about the methodology that would be used in order to develop library impact or mitigation fees. She told the board that she began working two years ago to develop an impact fee ...
To add to his already eclectic resume, Sherman opened a Fontano's Subs franchise in suburban Elmhurst. He opened a second sandwich shop at 2151 W. 95th St. in Beverly around 2002, which he sold last summer. Fontano's became a gathering place for ...
... license card, passport, and social security card, are “male” then I should be referred to using male pronouns, in spite of, hopefully, protestations from people who knew me, shared my life and intimately knew that I lived my life as Naomi Fontanos...
MANILA - At least 20 transgenders have been killed in the Philippines since 2008, but Ganda (Gender and Development Advocates) Filipinas executive director Naomi Fontanos says the figure is understated. Worse, all killings thus far included in ...
Al regresar a la isla, en noviembre de 2012, Fontanos vio que en su hotel flameaba una bandera con los colores del arcoiris, en señal de que se daba la bienvenida a turistas LGBT. Otros establecimientos también se promocionaban como amigables con los ...
KOLKATA, 4 sep 2013 (IPS) - Cuando Naomi Fontanos se fue de vacaciones en 2002 no vio personas transgénero en hoteles, restaurantes u otras empresas de Boracay, el popular destino turístico del sur de Manila, Filipinas. Pero ahora percibe un cambio.