Noticias de Lomes
The 30-year-old victim was slashed in the buttocks and face on the corner of Red Lomes and Buckley Hill Lane, at around 11pm on Wednesday. Police said three men jumped out of a dark-coloured saloon car and approached the victim who tried to run away ...
Man chased and stabbed in buttocks in Netherton is released from hospital
A man suffered a slash wound to his buttocks and face injuries after being attacked in Netherton. The victim was waiting at a bus stop on the corner of Red Lomes and Buckley Hill Lane when he was set upon. He was attacked after three men jumped out of ...
Man stabbed in buttocks after being set upon at Netherton bus stop
日本ユニシスは、ロケーション・メディアサービス「LoMeS(ロメス)」において、グライダーアソシエイツが運営する「キュレーションマガジンantenna*[アンテナ]」(以下 antenna*)とサービス提携し、ANAラウンジで展開する「ANAデジタルコンテンツサービス」で、1月13日から ...
Tarian Caci ini memadukan antara Lomes (keindahan gerak tubuh dan busana yang dipakai), Bokak (keindahan seni vokal saat bernyanyi) , dan Lime (ketangkasan dalam mencambuk atau menangkis cambukan lawan). Permainan Caci dipertunjukkan ...
VIDEO: Tarian Caci Manggarai Khas NTT
De acordo com a Polícia Militar, Guilherme Henrique da Silva, de 26 anos, e um amigo, de 25, foram surpreendidos na calçada da rua Francisco Lomes por um trio encapuzado que chegou em um Golf, de arma em punho. Guilherme foi atingido por pelo ...
同サービスは、空港ラウンジ内で接続できるポータルサイトを通じてニュースや雑誌、ANA発行誌などのオリジナルコンテンツを提供。日本の魅力を紹介するコンテンツもある。日本ユニシスが提唱する「LoMeS」(Location-based Media Service)の概念に基づき、「特定の場所」で「 ...
Los códigos postales de Lomes
Apartamentos Rurales Acebo Apartamentos Rurales Acebo
Barrio de Grandiella, s/n - Corias
33816 Cangas de Narcea
Hotel Peñagrande Hotel Peñagrande
Carretera Leitariegos, 3
33800 Cangas del Narcea
Hotel Restaurante La Casilla Hotel Restaurante La Casilla
Limes, 67
33800 Cangas del Narcea