Mazorra said that Healing Waters is in a 10-year lease agreement with Mike Ho, the developer behind Mambo's Seafoods. Healing Waters will be in the first story of a 6,000-square-foot building that Ho is building at 504 W. Gray. Ho couldn't be reached ...
Y lo hace en este caso con una nueva propuesta: 'Del teatro al cine”, en la que la actriz y directora Marta López Mazorra, que se mueve entre estos dos mundos interpretativos, representará en primer lugar, una comedia gestual de humor, titulada “Cine ...
LA HABANA, Cuba.- La historia me la cuenta una enfermera jubilada que pide no se revele su identidad, por la cercanía familiar con el suceso y porque no quiere meterse en problemas. “El tema de los muertos en Mazorra es escabroso”, dice, “y se ...
The stock market celebrated last Friday's jobs number with a 300 point rally in the dow but then it took nearly all of it back this week! Financial expert Marty Mazorra with Private Wealth Advisors says it's all over fears on how the how the stock ...
During the first New York federal court trial, Renan A. Mazorra, owner of Mazorra Business Services, testified that he met with Olazabal for only half an hour or so each year to complete his corporate tax returns for the fiscal years in 2007 and 2008 ...
Robin Pedraja, Vistar Magazine; Elio Hector Lopez "The Transporter" from El Paquete Semanal (the Weekly Package); Luis Manuel Mazorra, CiberCuba; and Hiram Centelles from Revolico agree that they want to open offices and consolidate their ...