Fiscus was traveling south on State Road 45 in a 2004 Pontica Vibe when he began to enter a curve. At the same time 39-year-old Aaron Miller of Bloomfield was exiting the curve, traveling northeast in a 1994 Ford F-150. Police say for an unknown reason ...
Elevii de gimnaziu, concurenţi la disciplina Educaţie tehnologică, vor susţine proba practică la Colegiul Tehnic Pontica, începând cu ora 14.00. Elevii de la liceul tehnologic se vor prezenta pentru susţinerea probei practice, în nouă domenii de ...
The excavations in Comana Pontica, which is an ancient city located in Gümenek, 7 kilometers from the central Black Sea city of Tokat, indicate that a wealthy Seljuk or Danishmend community once lived in the area. Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), the ...
Conform sursei citate, Papa a vorbit la Academia Pontica de Stiinte, iar afirmatiile sale - spun expertii - pun capat "pseudo teoriilor" despre creationism, despre care unii spun ca ar fi fost incurajate de predecesorul sau, Benedict XVI. Francisc a ...
The amulet-bucranium from Apollonia Pontica as Sozopol was known back at the time can be dated back exactly to this era. What distinguishes the newly found amulet in Sozopol is a solar symbol in the shape of an eight-ray star, which is placed on the ...
Последние находки - особи видов Tegenaria chumachenkoi, Zelotes khostensis, Tegenaria abchasica Charitonov и Raveniola pontica. Об этом сообщает Размер недавно найденных обитателей рощи не превышает 5–6 мм. Ученые ...