LA ZENIA/MALAGA - Swift'64 trof het met haar trainingskamp in Spanje. Ten eerste werd het ongemak van de ijzeldagen in Nedeland vermeden, en ten tweede trof de vierdeklasser uit Swifterbant ideale omstandigheden aan in La Zenia, in de omgeving van ...
I desember og frem til julefeiringen ble avsluttet i forrige uke har de minste fått anledning til å la seg fotografere inne i en gigantisk ball full av julemotiv. Betalingen for et bilde har vært 50 cent. Den halve euroen har blitt samlet inn til Røde ...
Any additional output from the N332 in the area between Punta Prima and La Zenia to divert traffic has been denied by the Ministry. They made clear that in no case additional outputs in this section would be authorized. Mr. Mancebo is very aware of ...
So this Christmas Day, with the weather set to be fair with perhaps a slight chill in the air, get out your festive wear, hats and scarves and join the throng on La Zenia beach. Mince pies, cava, and barbecues abound. Join JB Brass and the Lions on the ...
The Orihuela Costa Male Voice Choir has recently recruited 10 new men, and you can be the first to hear this extra fine sound that 30+ men can make in the fabulous acoustic of La Zenia church. Conductor Nigel Hopkins introduces and conducts repertoire ...
Inmmochan, la sociedad inmobiliaria que gestiona 362 centros comerciales en toda Europa entre los cuales se encuentra La Zenia Boulevard de Orihuela-Costa, que es el más grande de la provincia (150 tiendas, 5.000 plazas de aparcamiento y 160.000 ...