C'est le grand retour de la tournée de l'équipe de France de patinage : Brian JOUBERT, Florent AMODIA, Romain Ponsart, Gabriella PAPADAKIS et Guillaume CIZERON (champions du Monde en titre de danse sur glace), Nathalie PECHALAT et Fabian ...
Drugs, anger, and loneliness fueled US-based Filipino Noel Amodia for most of his adult life. Now that he has sobered up, he wants to find the parents he never knew. “Finding my biological mother is gonna be life-changing,” Noel confided to GMA News ...
„Der Beitrag muss verständlich sein, Kreativität aufweisen, Hansebezug haben und eine Botschaft für die Zukunft enthalten“, erklärt Belén D. Amodia, Koordinatorin der Bürgerakademie. Am Ende wählt eine siebenköpfige Jury die zehn besten Filme aus.
S peakers were Maricar Alejano, developmental pediatrician in Negros; May Amodia, special education teacher; and Melanie Sabino, mother of a 12-year-old son with autism, the press release said. NAPPA is the first autism advocacy and support group in ...
Contributing photographer Andrei Cabahug Amodia takes us to the Palm Sunday celebration at the Guadalupe Church, the Good Friday commemmoration activities in various parts of the province, and the re-enactment of the burial of Jesus Christ at ...
Amodia Teresita Palacio was arrested for possession of more than five kilogrammes (11 pounds) of the drug in April at a Hanoi airport, the clerk told AFP. She was found guilty of repeatedly entering the country from Thailand to smuggle drugs, the clerk ...