Noticias de Velon
Door een langdurig contract tussen Infront en Velon is Wang Jianlin nu al een factor van belang geworden. Maar hij wil meer, en hij lonkt vooral naar de Giro en de Tour. Alleen: om te kunnen kopen, moet de andere partij willen verkopen. En daar wringt ...
Hoe steenrijke Chinees de koers wil kopen
A new track series is to launch towards the end of the year, featuring riders from the various professional teams who together make up the Velon group. The Revolution Champions League will see the top riders from the existing Revolution Series pitted ...
Revolution Champions League to feature riders from <b>Velon</b> teams
Velon stapt in het baanwielrennen, zo meldt het in een persbericht. Het gaat samen met FACE onder de naam Revolution Champions League een serie van wedstrijden organiseren die eind dit jaar van start moet gaan.
<b>Velon</b> stapt in baanwielrennen en start Revolution Champions League
As well as the updated format, the inclusion of Velon will also give opportunity to utilise the data capturing capabilities that Velon is developing with Infront Sports & Media, with the aim to stream live race data to spectators. Exactly what data ...
Revolution Series and <b>Velon</b> create track &#39;Champions League&#39;
A new partnership between Velon and the Revolution Series will see eight WorldTour teams competing in a track cycling 'Champions League' in the winter of 2016. The deal, announced on Friday between Velon and FACE Partnership, will see road and track ...
Revolution Series teams up with <b>Velon</b> to create track cycling &#39;Champions League&#39;
Il gruppo Velon, composto da 11 formazioni World Tour tra cui anche la Lampre-Merida, e la società FACE Partnership, organizzatrice delle Revolution Series su pista, hanno stretto un accordo ed a partire dalla fine del 2016 lanceranno una nuova grande ...
Los códigos postales de Velon
Zenit Casal de Mouros Zenit Casal de Mouros
Casal Do Mouro, 2
15313 Ambroa
Garelos Garelos
Alfonso IX, 8
15300 Betanzos
Pazo Da Cruz Pazo Da Cruz
Lugar de Viaxe, 2
15615 Vilarmaior