Cosmina Păsărin apare într-un nou videoclip, marca Gojira & Planet H feat Alan & Kepa. Fetele cuminţi se feresc de bărbaţii care beau. În schimb, Cosmina joacă rolul fetei “cu minte”, care de-aia îi iubeşte. Vedeta nu este la prima aparitie într-un ...
So did Hitch ever actually finish the JLA run he was writing and drawing, the one he said he had "years" worth of ideas for? Is the new book going to pick that up or is it just gone bye-bye now? longtimereader. Sat, 26 Mar 2016 19:54:54 GMT. I suppose ...
Writer Daniel H. Wilson and artist Fernando Pasarin's original graphic novel Quarantine Zone is available everywhere books are sold today from DC Comics's Vertigo imprint. The story is set in a world where evil is a virus -- and one that most people ...
Paired with veteran artist Fernando Pasarin (Justice Society of America, Batgirl), this riveting pandemic thriller delves deep into philosophical questions of mankind's true nature, free will and the atrocities of which we're capable. Wilson and ...
"Detective Comics" #49 contains the second part of "The Bronze Age" by Peter J. Tomasi, Fernando Pasarin and Matt Ryan, and so far it's shaping up to be the creative team's best work on the title to date. With a mixture of detective work and thrills ...
With such lofty standards for Tomasi and Pasarin to reproduce, I was well within my rights to be nervous. I just kept thinking, “Please please please let it be good. I can't deal with another disappointment from this title.” So…were my prayers ...