In the first quarter Christian Arceo and Angelo Factor took over contributing a combined total of 12 points to lead 20-8. The Junior Sonics' came out of the first quarter drought as they started to pick up the pace at the second canto as Bautista and ...
Precisa que el alcalde Porfirio Arceo Coral; Luis Felipe Canto Adrián, secretario municipal; Rogelio Tuyub Arceo, tesorero; Elvira Sánchez, síndica, y Gualberto Medina Noh, juez de Paz, incurren en irregularidades administrativas en el manejo de los ...
Entre el 40 y 60 por ciento de la población es vulnerable al suicidio, como consecuencia primordial de la depresión, y el grupo más afectado lo constituyen los jóvenes, planteó la doctora María Elena Medina-Mora Icaza, directora del Instituto Nacional ...
The Muskies got a big confidence boost with a 5-0 win over Pleasant Valley at the Muscatine Soccer Complex on Tuesday, improving to 4-0 in Mississippi Athletic Conference play. Carlos Arceo and Luah Kahnplaye scored two goals and had one assist each, ...
The Muskies got a big confidence boost with a 5-0 win over Pleasant Valley at the Muscatine Soccer Complex on Tuesday, improving to 4-0 in Mississippi Athletic Conference play. Carlos Arceo and Luah Kahnplaye scored two goals and had one assist each, ...
Campeche, 26 de abril 2016.- El secretario estatal de Salud, Álvaro Arceo Ortiz, inauguró el I Foro Internacional Ley Estatal de Salud Mental y Prevención del Suicidio y afirmó que contribuirá a la construcción de la ley sobre esos temas fundamentales.