The linepack of the UK gas system is therefore forecast to close below 14mcm short, according to npower's daily market report. Norwegian flows through the Langeled pipeline are at 44mcm and nominations via the BBL pipeline are at 15mcm. Storage ...
BRAZOS COUNTY, Texas - Putting gas in the car is something many people do without much thought. But stopping just anywhere out of convenience, or out of cheaper gas prices, could cost you a lot of money down the road. "In the worst cases, it could end ...
BRAZOS COUNTY, Texas - Putting gas in the car is something many people do without much thought. But stopping just anywhere out of convenience, or out of cheaper gas prices, could cost you a lot of money down the road. "In the worst cases, it could end ...
An ambitious urban renewal programme could help boost India's gas demand, but significant investment in infrastructure will be needed to guarantee supply to local distributors. The Indian government has selected 20 regions from a shortlist of 98 as the ...
BRAZOS COUNTY, Texas - Putting gas in the car is something many people do without much thought. But stopping just anywhere out of convenience, or out of cheaper gas prices, could cost you a lot of money down the road. "In the worst cases, it could end ...
The maximum price of fuel at the pumps has gone up this week as forecast by the Consumer Group For Fair Gas prices. Gas increases by just over a cent and a half (1.7) a liter and diesel is up by close to two and a half (2.4) cents. Furnace and shove ...