Venkatachari then chose to present Palinthuvo Palimpavo in raga Kanthamani of Thyagaraja, before he chose to present Ragam-Tanam-Pallavi in Bhairavi. He made space for the presentation of neraval and swarakalpana too in this number. The neraval he ...
WAKIL Ketua Pelaksana PON Vaganza, Fakhruddin Rusyibani memberikan pemaparan terkait penyelenggaraan program sosialisasi Pekan Olah Raga Nasional (PON) XIX/2016 Jawa Barat yang bertajuk PON Vaganza. Program ini akan digelar di 12 Kota ...
It warmed up the session and after Balakanakamaya Chela of Thyagaraja in raga Athaana that saw the duo firmly saddled for the rest of the course, exposition of raga Sriranjani for Sogasuga mridangatalamu with swarakalpana on pallavi escalated the tempo ...
After singing Marivere of Syama Sastry in Anandabhairavi and Marugelara of Thyagaraja in Jayantasri Chitra and Vijayalakshmi took up Sankarabharanam for the main item singing Sarojadala Netri of Syama Sastry sumptuously with raga, neraval and swara ...
He first essayed the raga before going for kirtana presentation. Venkatachari then chose to present Palinthuvo Palimpavo in raga Kanthamani of Thyagaraja, before he chose to present Ragam-Tanam-Pallavi in Bhairavi. It was a classic presentation ... - Menteri Pemuda dan Olah Raga Imam Nahrawi tengah menyiapkan lanjutan reformasi persiapan tata kelola persoalan sepak bola Indonesia yang saat ini sedang mengalami polemik menyusul pembukuan PSSI dalam setahun terakhir.