Noticias de Serrans
Bishop Robert W. Finn and Vocations Office directors Father Gregory Lockwood and Father Richard Rocha celebrated the annual Serra Club Advent Mass Dec. 22 with the diocese's seminarians and their families at St. Thomas More Parish in Kansas City.
Bishop, <b>Serrans</b> celebrate seminarians
Meyers, and past KC Serra Club president Dick Shaw both said Serrans work behind the scenes, praying daily for vocations, “O, Jesus, our great High Priest, hear our humble prayer on behalf of your Priests, Deacons and Religious in the Kansas City-St.
Serra Clubs work behind the scenes, promoting, supporting vocations
Arranca la campaña de la trufa. Durante los próximos tres meses se recogerá en los montes del interior, entre las comarcas de Els Ports a Els Serrans, este preciado tubérculo al que los expertos le auguran un mal resultado debido a las pocas lluvias ...
Malas perspectivas para la trufa valenciana
11/16/2010 3:16:00 PM Serrans hear from missionary priest. Fr. Lucas Laborde. Father Lucas Laborde, pastor of St. Patrick Church in Portland, was guest speaker at a Serra Club gathering this fall. He belongs to the St. John Society, which began 15 ...
<b>Serrans</b> hear from missionary priest
Los códigos postales de Serrans
Hotel La Casa Grande Hotel La Casa Grande
Dadin, 53
32536 O Irixo
Hotel & Spa Torre do Deza Hotel & Spa Torre do Deza
Paque empresarial Lalín 2000
36500 Lalín
Casa Grande de Fuentemayor Casa Grande de Fuentemayor
Cobas, 2
36545 Silleda