Q. I finally landed my dream job. However, the office is pet-friendly, and I'm severely allergic. I can't focus or produce quality work when I'm sneezing and coughing throughout the workday. Do I need to quit? A. You might. You chose a company that is ...
Q.I finally landed my dream job. However, the office is pet-friendly, and I'm severely allergic. I can't focus or produce quality work when I'm sneezing and coughing throughout the workday. Do I need to quit? A. You might. You chose a company that is ...
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Omaree Varela's mom, Synthia Varela-Casaus was ready to go to trial for killing her 9-year-old son. Thursday, her attorney said Varela-Casaus plans to plead guilty to charges instead. More than two years ago, ...
Los panameños reaccionaron contra la gestión del presidente Juan Carlos Varelas, según los resultados de la última encuesta de opinión de la empresa Dichter & Neira. Los resultados de abril indican que el 49% de los panameños están disconforme con ...
Elaine Varelas, a managing partner at career management firm Keystone Partners, agreed, saying organizations have grown far more accepting of boomerang workers, provided they maintained a good relationship with their former employer. Varelas is also ...
Seit der Aufdeckung von 214.000 Briefkastenfirmen durch die Panama-Papers muss sich Varela indes mit dem Vorwurf, Staatsoberhaupt eines Steuerparadieses zu sein, herumschlagen. Das mühsam aufpolierte Image als Musterland Mittelamerikas ist ...