Noticias de Carbal
JOIN IN: Carbal Medical Centre programs manager Charlie Rowe encourages men with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander connections to sign up for the Strong Fathers, Strong Families program. Samantha Oneil ...
Supporting strong indigenous families for the future
WITH the official opening of the Carbal Medical Centre yesterday, health care for the indigenous community took a turn for the better. The centre also celebrated one year serving the Warwick community and surrounding districts. The opening was attended ...
<b>Carbal</b> Medical Centre to tackle indigenous health issues
The Carbal Medical Centre in Toowoomba, in southern Queensland, has announced a 12-month plan to help tackle use of the drug 'ice' in Indigenous communities. It held a meeting with key stakeholders yesterday to discuss the growing problem and wants ...
&#39;Ice&#39; scourge: Toowoomba&#39;s <b>Carbal</b> Medical Centre to tackle crystal meth use in <b>...</b>
Large crowds including patients, members of the local indigenous community and representatives from health organisations turned out for the opening of the new Carbal Medical Centre on Grafton St yesterday. The dedicated team at Carbal Medical Centre is ...
<b>Carbal</b> Medical Centre aims to close the gaps in health
El secreto está en la deuda, y con ella han sabido jugar Permira y Carbal para reducir a casi la mitad los compromisos financieros de Telepizza, dar entrada a nuevos accionistas e impulsar su plan de internacionalización. Todo de un plumazo. Las dos ...
Permira mete un bocado a la deuda de Telepizza y da entrada a KKR en el capital
Un grupo de nuevos inversores, KKR y otros fondos de inversión se han convertido en accionistas de Telepizza a largo plazo al tomar el 49% del capital de la firma, y como accionistas mayoritarios, con el 51%, seguirán Permira y Carbal, según ha ...
Telepizza culmina su refinanciación tras hacerse KKR y otros fondos con el 49% del capital de la compañía
Los códigos postales de Carbal
MarDeQueo Hotel Rural Spa-Talaso MarDeQueo Hotel Rural Spa-Talaso
Queo De Abajo
15100 Bertoa
Pazo do Souto Pazo do Souto
Torre, 1
15106 Sísamo
Casa Lugar de Trasande Casa Lugar de Trasande
Sande, 6
15145 Sande