CES Asia™ ha oggi annunciato che il Global Leadership Summit (GLS) organizzato dalla Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) si svolgerà in contemporanea con CES Asia 2016, nell'obiettivo di promuovere la collaborazione intersettoriale e l'innovazione.
137/2006 Coll. on public contracts and Act No. 139/2006 Coll. on concession procedures and conces- sion contracts (The Concession Act) and to assure that public procurement law complies with new EU legislation. The Cham- ber approved the government ...
What has changed at the ports since their concession in 2006? A lot, says a senior official of the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMoF). The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) management, the official said, has been running the ports efficiently. NPA, the ...
Also, three companies from South Africa; namely, Total Utilities Man¬agement Services, Mat Tecknologies Consultancy Limited/Siri Engineering (PTY) Ltd and Pricoil Ghana Limited, with office in Ghana, have also ex¬pressed interest in the ECG conces¬sion.
L' amministrazone Damiano, infatti, ha dato precise disposizioni agli Uffici competenti che si occupano dei servizi cimiteriali di attivarsi al più presto possibile per procedere alla estumulazione di 166 salme il cui loculo in conces sione ha scadenza ...
For the last 25 years, Ratliff made the VHS bas- ketball concession stand into one of the most talked- about snack stands in the Big Seven Conference. His stands sold everything from nachos to hot dogs with homemade chili, plus the usual assortment of ...