A través de un nuevo diseño curatorial, se presentarán seis aguafuertes de Ernesto Deira. Esta serie, de 1974, está inspirada en la novela del mismo nombre del escritor peruano Mario Vargas Llosa (Nobel de Literatura en 2010), cuyos textos acompañan ...
A gang of 13 men have gone on trial accused of the attempted murder of a housemate in a row over a washing line. Dubai Court of First Instance heard the fight took place between a large group of men that a shared villa in the Naif area of Deira. The ...
A gang of 13 men have gone on trial accused of the attempted murder of a housemate in a row over a washing line. Dubai Court of First Instance heard the fight took place between a large group of men that a shared villa in the Naif area of Deira. The ...
Dubai: A 64-year-old businessman has been accused of molesting a woman while she was shopping at a store in Deira. The elderly Sudanese businessman, B.D., was said to have walked behind the woman, who was wearing a niqab, in the store and patted ...
På spørsmål om korleis politikken til regjeringa har påverka økonomien for deira gardsbruk, svarer nærmare halvparten negativt. Det viser ei undersøking Sentio Research har utført på oppdrag for avisa. Til saman 46 prosent svarer at ...
DUBAI: Two men, who intercepted a salesman, flogged him with iron bars and tried to disappear with Dhs440,000 have lost their clemency plea at the Appeals Court. Both Chinese peers HY and YZ attacked a countryman JK, 23, inside an alley in Deira at ...