Noticias de Pontis
Brad Allen, vice president of marketing, product management and engineering at Genie Industries, is leaving the company for a new life helping poor farmers in Nicaragua. Allen is joining Pontis Nicaragua, a non-profit organization providing ...
Genie's Brad Allen to Work with Rural Poor in Central America
Long-time AWP industry leader Brad Allen is leaving the field to take a volunteer position as director of engagement for Pontis Nicaragua, an organization that provides agricultural, business, and life training to help poor farmers in rural Latin ...
Brad Allen Leaves AWP Industry to Help Rural Poor in Nicaragua | Industry News
Brad Allen has left his role as vice president marketing, product management and engineering at Genie to join Pontis Nicaragua, which provides agricultural, business, and life training to poor farmers in rural Latin America. Mr Allen has taken on the ...
Allen leaves Genie for charitable role
FIRST AND FOREMOST — THE APPOINTMENT OF THE DAY: Governor Rick Scott announced the appointment of Christie Pontis to the E911 Board. Points is a regional legislative affairs manager with CenturyLink. She succeeds Sandra Khazraee and is ...
FIRST AND FOREMOST — THE APPOINTMENT OF THE DAY: Governor Rick Scott announced the appointment of Christie Pontis to the E911 Board. Points is a regional legislative affairs manager with CenturyLink. She succeeds Sandra Khazraee and is ...
Sunburn for April 12 – Hillary come$ to Florida; Patrick Murphy raises coin <b>...</b>
La soprano italo-argentina, amica di Papa Francesco, Haydée Dabusti, dopo la sua visita in Vaticano, sbarca in Sicilia e dona alla cittadinanza palermitana un concerto unico ed esclusivo, che si terrà domenica 10 aprile alle ore 19, con ingresso ...
“Note in volo, dall&#39;Argentina all&#39;Italia”, Haydée Dabusti canta per Palermo
Los códigos postales de Pontis
Hotel La Casa Grande Hotel La Casa Grande
Dadin, 53
32536 O Irixo
Hotel & Spa Torre do Deza Hotel & Spa Torre do Deza
Paque empresarial Lalín 2000
36500 Lalín
Casa Grande de Fuentemayor Casa Grande de Fuentemayor
Cobas, 2
36545 Silleda