The annual CubaCaribe dance festival hit Oakland last weekend, with its “Cuba on my mind” theme for 2016 arriving presciently a year into the Great Cuban Thaw. It's also been barely a month since Barack Obama's historic visit to Havana, in the ...
'Trashdance Triumph': Truer and Way More Fun than 'Black Swan'. 04/22/2016 11:53 am ET | Updated 5 days ago. Carla Escoda Dance, theatre and arts critic, based in San Francisco. Former dancer, research scientist, and international investment banker.
Lo plantearon ayer en una audiencia en el Ministerio de Trabajo de Mendoza con José Escoda, Secretario General del Sindicato de Estaciones de Servicio y Afines de Cuyo, quien se plantó en su reclamo de definir un incremento por todo el año, hasta abril ...
BUENOS AIRES (Guido Baistrocchi) - El gabinete económico se mostró exultante hoy luego de la demanda "récord” de los bonos que la Argentina ofreció en el mercado internacional, por los cuales busca tomar una deuda de aproximadamente 15.000 ...
Carla Escoda Dance, theatre and arts critic, based in San Francisco. Former dancer, research scientist, and international investment banker. 2016-04-15-1460705074-8808555-balletcity800x450.jpg. “The internet can't be stopped” is the tagline for the ...
On a recent Wednesday, the Oakland Ballet studios came alive with movement and music. Choreographers Janice Garrett and Charles Moulton worked with three pairs of dancers to fine-tune a series of lifts that exploded with the intensity of a cannon blast ...